This was Emmett's fourth weekend outside of Andrea and it was a weekend of firsts. Yesterday we got ourselves motivated (Andrea and I more than Emmett) and went downtown. Rather than drive, though, we took a chance and introduced Emmett to the local bus system. As we neared being ready to go we checked nextmuni.com to see our options only to learn that we had a bus arriving two blocks away in five minutes and after that about a 25-minute wait for the next bus. In the pre-Emmett days, having five minutes to catch the bus was no big deal, but with all of the things that are necessary to collect to leave the house now it was no small feat. We did get out the door with a fighting chance at catching the bus, though, and as we approached the stop the bus was pulling up. We hurried across the street, I pulled the top half of the stroller apart, Andrea quickly collected the train-wreck that resulted from a top-heavy, diaper-laden stroller bottom half, and we made it aboard. Once on the bus we were able to take the seats that are reserved for "seniors and those with disabilities" (though not explicitly new parents) and enjoy the MUNI system. As it was Saturday the buses weren't as crowded which was good for parental germ fears, and, like always, I kept from touching ANYTHING with my hands so I felt pretty safe still touching Emmett. Apparently there was a Greek parade or something like that on Market, so the bus could only get us to about Market and 10th. We walked to Van Ness station and took one of the underground MUNI trains, so Emmett got to take his first train ride, too. Yes, I really do love public transit.
Andrea did a little shopping downtown while Emmett and I cruised the streets. He was really good and just napped in his stroller as we rolled around making discoveries like a frozen yogurt shop I didn't know about. After Andrea was done we headed for home. We had intended to take MUNI home (Emmett's second bus trip!!), but unfortunately the Greek parade which we only heard about but never saw (I didn't even know about a sizable enough Greek population to not only have a parade, but to also shut down market for said parade) put about a 45-minute block on buses. We walked home along the bus line, stopping to change Emmett's diaper in the City Hall grass, and were pretty tired as I carried Emmett in my arms from City Hall home and Andrea is still not as healed as she would like to think she is.
Last night was dinner with Belinda and Nick at Millenium: the best vegan food money can buy. Unfortunately our reservations were so early that none of us had had sufficient time to have lunch settle, so we didn't get to eat as much of their food as we would have liked. The night was special as we wanted to ask Nick and Belinda if they would be willing to be Emmett's god-parents, and luckily they said yes. The waiter gave us a free dessert to celebrate Emmett's arrival and even though we were all stuffed we were still able to make room. (it is amazing, in their cookbook, and easy to make. For those interested you can search "millenium almond midnight" in google, it will show up as a google books link).

Today we were to attend Emmett's first post-birth baby shower (I guess he went to three while still in the womb). For those who don't like going to parties for fear of standing in the corner, drink in hand, no one talking to you, may I recommend attending a baby shower with a newborn. Sure, many of your conversations will be along the lines of: "oh, how cute...is it a boy or a girl;" "how old is he;" and "gosh he looks like such a good sleeper," but it sure beats staring at your shoes for an hour. The shower was very nice and was in a great space. It was kind of funny being on the other side of pregnancy and turning into the advice-givers. We walked home (uphill this direction) and after a little late-afternoon meal Emmett and Andrea are now spending a little downtime together.
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