Andrea, Emmett and I hit the road for our longest post-birth walk together to date. We headed out the front door unsure of what direction to head finally settling on "Castro direction." I had a credit at Aardvark books burning a hole in my pocket, so this was our one defined destination. We made our way through Duboce Park where we checked out a prospective play area for when Emmett comes of age, walked very pretty Noe St., and finally made our way to Crossroads on Market where Andrea and I each picked up a shirt and Emmett napped. Next Aardvark Books to use that credit, and afterwards Burger Meister where a burger, fries and malt gave us the strength to make it back toward home. A quick stop at the video store for a dvd that we are now too tired to watch, and the rest of the night has been spent recovering. Using bikely.com I was able to put together our route, shown on the map at left, giving a grand total distance of 2.9 miles. Yes, post-birth recovery is in full-swing.
1 comment:
Does the pedestrian (pun intended) nature of this post mean that you will no longer be using words like "meconium" any longer? I was relying on this blog to expand my birth related vocabulary.
Happy to hear the happy family is far enough along the recovery road to be so mobile...
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