I have been reading some more about the Elimination Communication (the diaper-free thing), so I was ready to catch some poop today. It ends up that nearly all babies need to go to the bathroom very soon after waking, so the books recommend that when you are going to catch #2's one should try to get the morning one first as it is easiest. Feeling well-rested when I awoke, I rushed the still-groggy Emmett to the little potty we have set up, stripped him, held his back to my chest with his legs propped up, and tightened my stomach while making a grunt sound (his audio and physical signals). Well, with each tightening of my stomach Emmett would do the same thing and in short order I had collected Emmett's first poo that didn't go into a diaper (ignoring explosive potties when diapers were off). However, at the end of his movement I noticed a touch of blood in his stool. I had seen the same thing yesterday morning (just a drop or two) and had figured that he had a little cut or something as it appeared when he was really pushing, however a second day of this had me a little more concerned. Andrea fed Emmett soon after this and I set aside his first poo in the potty to have it bronzed (or maybe I just flushed it down the toilet). After the feeding I stripped Emmett again to play the pee-in-the-container game, but while I was holding him he threw up every bit of milk he had just eaten. This was very traumatic for me (and messy). We gave him a semi-bath and he didn't seem very bothered at all about having just thrown up, so we didn't really feel that there was anything seriously the matter (and the dr. appt. earlier in the week showed he wasn't having weight gain problems), but as this showed up at the same time as the blood in the stool we decided to make our first call to the nurse help line though we were sure there wasn't really a problem. We were just looking for a little reassurance.
Well, the nurse that we spoke to wasn't really reassuring and didn't really ask too many questions. It was as if she heard two check-box words, throw-up and blood, and said that we needed to see the doctor without wanting any actual details. I made the appointment and Andrea, having heard my conversation, was convinced that I made things sound worse than they really were. We both were confident that the trip to the doctor was going to be fruitless. Well, we got all ready to go and were out the door by 8:00 to walk to Laurel Village to see the doctor to have this stuff checked out. The doctor saw us pretty quickly, looked at Emmett's anus with one of those ear-checker-scopes (motivating me to watch my doctor closely to make sure that she puts a clean plastic head on the scope next time she checks my ear or nose) and found a small cut that is already healing from him pushing too hard when he poops. Then she told us that the throw-up was as we expected: after a long time sleeping without milk he eats too much and can throw it back up. So, all in all, it was a trip to the doctor that wasn't really necessary (besides the fact we don't have a ear, nose, throat, and anus checker to find the lesion) but did give us some reassurance that Emmett is still holding up alright.
1 comment:
Life with Emmit in 16 years:
Emmit just snuck out of the house for the first time. It was so cute. He pulled the old, “Well, I’m tired, I think I’ll hit the hay,” complete with exaggerated yawns, at about 8:45 last night. I said to Andrea, “I wonder were he is going?” So we looked out the front window and saw the little SOB (no offense Honey) walk right in front of the house and a cute girl in an old beat up Prius picked him up. This morning we made breakfast (the usual proto protein tablets with a stem cell shake) and out of the blue Andrea says, “Did you have a good time last night?” Emmet is a pretty bad liar and he turned bright red and said, “what do you mean?” We saw you get into that old jalopy last night…”
And then maybe there’s a story about the time he souped up his jet-pack and it turned to water vapor twice as many plastic grocery bags as a normal jet pack.
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