We tried a little white noise last night with Emmett. When we were at Jeff's birthday party on Saturday Emmett slept through the entire thing (we were there from 12-4ish, I believe) and we were convinced that part of the reason was that there was a pretty constant level of party noise that masked any louder or sharper noises that occurred. So, having had cranky baby the night before, we brought out a white noise generator which Emmett slept soundly next to in the living room from 8-11, or so, last night, and then I brought it to bed and played it for the three of us. He had a pretty average night's sleep, but I think that it was good for Andrea and I in some ways as it makes the noises of people going through the trash, cat fights, etc. a little less noticeable. It took me a while to go to sleep with it as my fears that I wasn't going to hear his pleas for attention made me check him quite frequently.
I realize I didn't mention (until a paragraph ago) the fun birthday party for Jeff which we attended on Saturday where we got to learn that Jeff and Luisa have many friends with kids. There was a whole smattering of child ages there from Emmett at the low end to four years or so. It was especially great to see the two 10-month-olds that were there and know that the level of interaction with Emmett is going to shoot through the roof in the next eight months. For now, though, even the addition of more smiles has been really good. We are easily pleased.
It is very true, each stage gets better and better. Wait for the deep belly laughing you get from Emmett when he thinks you or even himself is so hilarious. It is funny how a game of peek a boo with a 4 month old is so entertaining for both child and parent.
Ok fine, no need to spell it out for the whole world. I will from now onward stop rummaging in your garbage. I will also stop fighting cats for a couple weeks.
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