I mixed it up on the way home bus-wise (for locals: I went 5-Fulton to Van Ness then 49-Van Ness/Mission to 24th/Mission) as we walked to 24th and Castro and took the 24-Divisadero home. I have grand plans for Emmett and I to take all of the buses in the city during the upcoming year. On the walk to Castro St. Emmett snoozed in the stroller---something that I used to fight as we were approaching nap time as I didn't want to hamper his nap at all, but now I am starting to flow with it as he still is seeming to nap when we get home. I am operating on a 2.5-3 hour windows of activity schedule, where I have to have him back in bed no more than 3 hours after his last waking for the first two naps. It seems to be working so far.
Andrea had a shorter day today so I had my first try at getting some work done from home. I think that next week will be better, but before today I had gotten zero done. Between laundry, cooking, and taking care of the little one, there is not a lot of free time it seems.
Emmett and I also returned to a hardware store this evening---the one that I took him to in the Haight on one of our first outings together. It was funny to think, while walking along Haight, about how I pushed him in the stroller fearful of every bit of cigarette smoke and every cough within a city block, and now we walk Haight without a care in the world. Well, I still won't let him touch anything and would like to keep strangers from touching him, but we are mostly care-free. Oh, and a woman sat next to me on the bus on the way back who had a two-and-a-half month old. Talking to her made it feel like Emmett is 100 years old compared to when he was 2 1/2...rather than in the "time flies" way, I mean this in the "development sure comes fast over the first few months" way.
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