Things have been going well with Emmett. I think we are nearing the point where he needs to be switching from 3 naps to two. He took a very long first nap today and I just put him down for his second. He has been a little cranky of late, which is making me wonder if another tooth isn't on its way. Yesterday was the first time in a very long time that he started to cry and I couldn't figure out what he wanted.
Three nights ago Andrea and I were doing some chores around the house and we had Emmett in one of those plastic playthings playing away when we heard him laughing up a storm. We peeked in on him and he was watching Malcolm play with a tag, where Malcolm was throwing the tag up in the air with his paws and then pouncing on it. This was only the second time we had heard him laugh when someone wasn't trying to make him laugh (the first being watching skateboarders wreck a few weeks back). Anyway, I hurried off to get the camera, but Malcolm lost interest in the tag so we decided to reenact the situation. The following video is Andrea entertaining Malcolm with a string which in turn entertains Emmett. The video gets pretty dull after about 30 seconds or so, but I (again) didn't edit it down. I will try to do this with later videos.
Just after the above video, Andrea and I decided we would see how Emmett's reaction time with the scarf/string thing compared to Malcolm's, so we made the following video. It is pretty short because about 7 seconds in you can see the lightning-quick black paw of Malcolm enter from the left and swipe the string away right in front of Emmett's face. Very fortunate that Emmett didn't take a claw to a cheek as they are big targets.
Other than that, just keeping on keeping on. I have a lot of cleaning to do while he finishes his nap.
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