We are at the midway point of Andrea's three-day-weekend and it has been a pretty wonderful one with weather in the 70's, sun, and friends. We are back at the house right now after a morning at the Alemany flea market (where Emmett scored a new doll and I a copper sauce pan) and an afternoon in Golden Gate Park with Emmett's two pals, their parents, and Jeff and Luisa. Emmett is an hour-an-a-half into his second nap of the day with the excitement taking it out of him. The picture at left is Augie, Emmett, and Ethan (from left) enjoying their first pretzels (my apologies to Augie for choosing this picture as he was in a great mood all day except this, but the picture looked like they were working on cigars---I owe you, Augie). As a reminder of ages, Ethan is 7 days older than Augie who is 2 days older than Emmett.
The last few days have been filled with a number of rides for Emmett and I, with Andrea coming along when she is not working. On Friday afternoon I took Emmett to his first ever drum circle at hippy hill at the edge of Sharon Meadow. I have to admit that even though I have stayed away from drum circles for all of my life, I kind of enjoyed sitting to watch---and it was pretty great for Emmett as he did his bobbing dance (soon to appear in video form here) and was entranced by the people spinning, wildly dancing, etc. I am not saying that we are going to be going out and buying the Grateful Dead back catalogue or anything, but it was a pretty fun time---once we found a spot that wasn't filled with the smell of petchouli incence or this smoke that had a tinge of skunk smell to it.

Oh...I forgot that Jeff, Emmett and I rode to the park on Friday afternoon so that Jeff and I could throw disc golf discs back and forth while Emmett played in the grass and mud. Emmett was really good entertaining himself for some time and finishing the time with dirtied hands and knees. Saturday was another ride to the park, but this time with Ma as well. We didn't get down there until near sundown, so the light was low, but I got one picture of Andrea and Emmett playing in the sun (note that I learned on a visit to the playground in the background this week that that playground is thought to be the oldest public children's playground in the nation, created in the 1887---who knew). It is off of the phone camera and it makes it look really foggy, but it wasn't foggy.
That is it...lots of playing in the sun and enjoying the weather. Can't complain at all about 70 degree weather in the second week of January.
1 comment:
This might be my favorite pick yet. Don't tell Augie.
What a day, hope yours continued as gloriously as it began.
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