The whole reason I wanted to have a bike seat was so Emmett and I can go to places that are distant in the city and not have to rely on bus transfers which often lead to long trips. This is especially important as Emmett typically has about 3.5 hours of waking time between naps these days. For example, Emmett and I were going to the song/story time in the Mission a few months ago (pre-teaching), but it often took 45 minutes each way and a bit of rushing to catch the correct buses. Today was our first trip there without relying on public transit and the bike worked wonderfully. We made it from our house to the Mission branch of the library (about 3 miles) in 15 minutes or so and got to enjoy some outside time together in each direction.
The only problems I have so far is that it is a pretty tight fit between his seat and mine which makes standing at a stop a little difficult. Another problem is that the new bike has top mounted shifters which sees as toys and he keeps sneaking the bike into a different gear when I am not looking. I have taken to riding around with my thumb in a position to keep him from changing gears, but hopefully he will lose interest in doing this sometime soon.
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