Emmett is down for his afternoon nap after he and I jogged (well, I jogged, he rode) up to Alta Vista park to spend some time in the playground on a beautiful, sunny, San Francisco day. We are pretty fortunate to have quite a few parks with very nice views reasonably close to us, and this one definitely has a good view. The place was overrun with kids, though nearly all were older than him and were walking around. The playground is large and has the rubber material all over it so if he falls there isn't too much to worry about. It is pretty funny that he is obsessed with wheels and everywhere we go he is going after wheels on things. The picture at left is from the playground a few hours ago with him being all about the train wheel (which didn't even spin). This morning we went to the Academy again and while in front of the aquarium with the brightly colored fish and a little kid interested to him to the left, all he was trying to do was get to the kid's stroller wheels. I should build him a wall of wheels for him to play with in his room.
While at the Academy this morning we spent a bit of time in front of this tank that has a sea bass that must weigh somewhere in the range of 100 pounds (much bigger around than I am, but about 2/3 as long as I am tall). Emmett could not pull his eyes off of it and people kept coming by commenting on how his full attention was on the fish for so long. This got me wondering if he is starting to see things that might be scary to him (the eyes of the fish were the size of his fist and were pretty creepy, mind you), which made me wonder if I am going to start him on nightmares because of our aquarium time. I hope not.
While Emmett has been asleep recently, I have been trying to figure out what we can do about the insect species, shown at left, that has overtaken our pantry, living happily in our flour and elsewhere. We have battled weevils before, which was no fun, and these are getting to be pretty bad too. I took a picture as I meant to look them up on the internet so I can figure out what they are and create a course of action. I would love to know if anyone has any idea what it is (oh, it is about 1/8" long. Oh, and I don't like it at all).
While cleaning out the camera I came across a video of Emmett "dancing" in front of the stereo...a boring video but thought I would put it up anyway at the tail of this post. The stereo is the perfect height as he really has to reach on his tippy toes to get to the volume and the other knobs. It has a graphical display that flashes with the music and he loves that, too. It looks like he is going to be one of those teenagers that stands right up to the speakers at a concert. Hooray for losing your hearing!
They sound like pantry pest beetles.
I found some of those recently in a box of pancake mix. The exterminator told me that the best way to get rid of them is to eliminate their food sources, so I got rid of the mix and made sure all of the other mixes and flours are sealed in plastic. I've also seen those beetles eat holes in paper cornmeal bags to get at the cornmeal.
They sound like pantry pest beetles.
I found some of those recently in a box of pancake mix. The exterminator told me that the best way to get rid of them is to eliminate their food sources, so I got rid of the mix and made sure all of the other mixes and flours are sealed in plastic. I've also seen those beetles eat holes in paper cornmeal bags to get at the cornmeal.
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