One less place we can lock up Emmett. Yesterday I had shut the door to Emmett's room with him in there so that I could clean a diaper up in the bathroom. Suddenly the door opens and Emmett is in the bathroom with me. I figured I must not have shut the door all the way and forgot about it. Today the same thing happens, so I put him back in his room, shut the door, and watch as he grabs the handle, turns, and makes his way out of the room. Hmmmm.

Yesterday was the first day that Emmett threw a real temper tantrum. He and I were on a long bike ride so we stopped off at a playground with an amazing view (Haas picture at left...not great, but you get the idea with downtown in the background). I needed to change his diaper and he hates being on his back so I gave him the keys to bribe him to deal with being on his back. Change went alright so I wanted to put the keys away. Queue temper tantrum. Emmett got all upset and stomped away, crouching down then standing, crouching then standing. I couldn't stop laughing but didn't let him see me laugh. Tonight he repeated the performance, this time because he was getting fed cherries from the farmers market, wanted more, and Andrea took them away. Rather than do the crouch routine, this time he literally laid down on the floor and shook his arms and legs. It is great stuff. Andrea is right that it is funny now but will not be soon.
Peaches, nectarines, and cherries are coming into season in the farmers market, and Emmett has loved all three. Today he had his first pluot and liked it, too.
Just found another picture from today. Emmett was playing in the sand with a toy that some other kid had left in the park and decided to kiss the sand. I realized when he did this that a runny nose can be hard to spot from a distance, but sprinkling his face with sand is a very effective method to highlight the runny nose.
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