I didn't realize that I had let so much time pass since my last post here. We have been having fun and are really enjoying New York. Emmett has continued to be content with our locale, has been sleeping wonderfully (although waking around 6, which used to be 7 in SF), and we have gotten to do a bit here in the city. The weather has been extremely cooperative with most of the time being upper 70s, low 80s with low humidity, but the last two days have taken a turn toward the muggy.
I would have to say that the biggest thing that has been going on while we have been here has been the addition of words to Emmett's vocabulary. It is surprising that he is saying or attempting to say so many words we say, and that he is comprehending so much of what we say. This is a very fun age with him happy all (most, at least) of the time and actually being able to interact a bit.
The last two days he has had a bit of a fever, just as it got hot. Unfortunately we didn't bring the thermometer, but it doesn't feel too bad. The last fever he had was with tooth eruption and he has his four canine teeth coming in, so I am starting to think that he fevers a bit with teeth showing up (there has been some scientific evidence showing this happens, though they think it is only a few degrees and only the day or two before eruption...apparently they had troubles getting data because parents are the ones taking the data and they always seem to know with these studies that they are being asked to look for fever/tooth correlations).
Since we have been here we haven't been doing too much naked time with Emmett as there are rugs on the floor almost everywhere and we were trying to avoid him pottying on other people's floors. We have had a little naked time, primarily after baths in the evening, and he has taken these opportunities to poop on the floor three times. The first two were somewhat expected, but the third was three nights ago. Emmett was entertaining us by saying "baaa" (his scare noise) to wake his fake-sleeping father with me jolting awake. Emmett thought this was really funny. Actually, we took a video of near the end of the fun where Emmett is just laughing at me jolting awake. The video is sideways and I can't rotate it right now, but I am posting it because you can see where the thought takes over him that he must go potty. He starts walking behind the chair that I am sitting in and the video stops, but what happens next is Emmett emerges from behind the chair, plays the game for a little while longer, then starts pointing to behind the chair and saying something. I get up, go behind the chair, and find that Emmett has pooped behind the chair and wants to let me know what he has done. Luckily it was an easy clean up and he didn't step in it, but it was a bit of a surprise to find that there.
Emmett and I made our second trip to the Bronx Zoo and this time Andrea came along. Unfortunately it was a little rainy, but the zoo is amazing and worth the long trip there. Before our first visit, I had a negative view on zoos, but this one (and the others in NYC) is run by the Wildlife Conservation Society and had a good message and was set up very nicely. One didn't leave with the impression that the animals were unhappy and that perhaps there was a bit of value in teaching youth from cities about the value of nature.
The other bit of excitement was Angela and Scott visiting from Portland for nearly a week. It was fun having them here and they seemed excited to see Emmett (and Emmett was very excited to see Angela, especially, whom he would whine for and beg to hold him). We got to see "Hair" (no Emmett) with David Hasslehoff in the audience. What else could one ask for?
I will try to add to this later, but wanted to play a bit of catch-up. I will add some pictures below...we have not been very good about taking pictures...
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