Friday, March 21, 2008

The fine art of sleep

Lest there be those that think that one is born with natural napping skills, I present for you exhibit one, at left, where we compare 14-day-old Emmett's form to 5.75-year-old Malcolm's (much more in cat years). One can see how at ease Malcolm looks with his weight perfectly balanced, all appendages held tightly to the body for warmth, and his head lightly resting on his head. Emmett, on the other hand, still struggles for comfort with half his body in the crack of the couch, arms uncovered, and face pressed against the fabric in a way that is sure to leave a mark. Sad.

However, I can report that Emmett is improving, and the picture below, taken just a few minutes ago (day 16), illustrates that he is starting to pick up the finer points of napping (more comfortable position, etc.). Yes, although we see progress, he still has a lot to learn from his brother, Malcolm---who was tutored by the nap grandmaster: Jackson.

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