Monday, October 25, 2010

Conversations, they're changing

I can't remember if I mentioned it here, but after Theo's visit Emmett has fallen in love with puzzles. He is constantly taking them apart and putting them back together. On the way to day care this morning he said "I am going to ask my teachers if they have any puzzles." I was kind of surprised that he would think of something like that he was going to do. On the bike ride home we were not far from day care when I asked him how his day was. He started listing off things he had done and then said "Oh, man, I forgot to ask if they have any puzzles"

Emmett has taken to learning some of the streets we cross on our bike ride to and from day care. Taraval was one of the first that he learned because we pass the train there. Tonight he spent about 10 minutes of the ride cracking himself up about all of the funny names of streets there could be. Examples included Zebra Street, Mommy Street, Pumpkin Street, and Wheel Street. Pretty soon it was pretty much anything he saw with "Street" added on to the end. It was a little surprising to hear the list of things that he could name by sight. We go up by Sutro Tower on the way home and he decided it should be called Belinda Tower.

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