Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pics from the last month

We are just about to go on a little vacation. I plugged my phone into the computer and found some pictures that I thought I would put up here. A lot has happened since I last posted. Emmett and I went camping again (this time with our friend Jeff). We biked all the way there, about 15 miles from the house with the last 3.5 being off road and straight uphill. The trip got off to an inauspicious start with two of the three of us getting tickets for running a stop sign (Emmett was just a passenger so he got off of all charges), but the camping was good. It was much better than our previous attempt. I think that this mostly had to do with Emmett having napped before we left and the fact that it wasn't all brand new to him.

Emmett and I spent a lot of time together as Andrea was still in school until just a couple of days ago. Over the past weekend he and I took a trip to Susanville to see family. We took Amtrak from Emeryville to Reno and were picked up by Andrea's dad. It was a nice trip and again reminded me that trains are such a pleasant way to travel, especially with a kid. There was a ton of leg room for us which meant more comfort for me and no fear of Emmett kicking the seat in front of us. Anytime we got a little squirmy (more E than me) we walked around the train. There was a vista car that was filled with lounge chairs and was covered in windows. It was really a great experience.

The other pictures I have included are Emmett with a friend on the swing in the backyard, a trip Emmett and I took to Coit Tower, our trip to the T&A lounge on Father's Day morning, and an action shot of Emmett from swim class. Andrea got to go to swim class this week---Emmett has had about 10 lessons and the last time Andrea saw him "swim" was months ago before the lessons started when Emmett could do nothing at all in the water. Because of this, Andrea's seeing Emmett's swimming (no quotes) was shocking as he is actually swimming about 6 or 8 feet, has his head underwater, holds his breath, etc. It is great to see the progress he has made.

I hope to get to write more when we are on our travels. If not, I will add pictures upon our return.

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